Sunday 13 September 2015

Film Poster Analysis 1 - Hangover Part II

The first poster that I will be analysing is from the Hangover Part II. This film is an comedy thriller, this means that the poster conventions should incorporate both the comedy aspect of the film and the thriller aspect.

Film posters always have titles because it is the way in which people an research and find out more information on the film. In this title the words are bold and bright to attract attention, the words also glow slightly making it even more interesting.

The name of the director is for marketing and advertising, the more popular the director means it is more likely that the film will be popular 

The tag line allows you to have some insight into the film without it giving any crucial information away, the tag line will also emphasise information about the film. It should be short and memorable so that when audiences think of the tagline they think of the film, the tag line in this film is short and gives you a hint as to where the main characters go. You get an idea of the film from the hint that they go to 'Bangkok'
In this film there are two tag lines, one gives a hint in to the film and when they say 'The Wolf Pack Is Back' they are suggesting that the same characters are in the film, this could also be showing that a similar experience happens to the characters in the second film.

This tells us when the film will be released, the fact that it is in red is to exaggerate to the viewer when the film is out. some sort of films are released at certain dates to advertise the film more, for example romance films are released on February 14th 

This is the small writing it is usually at the bottom of the page, this is so that the least amount of attention is attracted, as the producers of the film want our attention to be on more important information 

we can clearly see who the main characters of the film are and we can also see the comedy side to this film because of the monkey at the bottom

This movie poster gets the idea and concepts of the film across to the audience in the poster, this is through the use of the dark tones and lighting, which relates to the thriller aspect of the film, the main characters body language and outfit choice also suggest a lot about the comedy side to the film.

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