Thursday 24 September 2015

Poster Analysis 4- How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

This genre of film is comedy and romance the poster for this film portrays this very well, in this post i will be explaining why and how the producers and illustrators for this films have done this

The colour of the words are scattered, to break up the length, so that the title is easier to remember for the audience 

This tag line literally sums up the whole film in one sentence, but it makes the audience want to know what happens and why they are lying to each other 

states the names of the producers, actors and most importantly the production company, on this poster it is difficult to see this, but this is so that the least amount of attention is placed here 

The names of the actors are in the same colour as the title showing a clear colour scheme, not all posters have got the actors names but in this case the producer may want to exaggerate the actors because of how popular they are 

The dress that Kate Hudson is wearing is matching the colour scheme of the poster and it is also the dress that she wears in the ending of the film, Matthew McConaughey also is wearing a suit showing his professional status in the film

The colour scheme is continuously shown through out the poster and it links to certain scenes of the film, the yellow of the dress and green font may suggest happiness and calmness where as the red parts suggest anger and sex, this practically sums up the story line of the film and is a perfect representation of the characters 

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