Friday 6 November 2015

Horror Poster Analysis 1- Sinister

In this post I will be analysing the film poster from the film Sinister.

I have labelled the basic conventions of this film poster but I will now go into further detail as to how the horror genre is conveyed in the poster. As soon as we see this poster we immediately identify it as horror, this is due to the blood that has been smudged across the wall, if we look closer we can see that the blood has been smudged in such a way that it looks like a face of an evil character, this makes me think that already there is a haunting and evil aspect of the film, they have given us this effect from the use of the mise-ene-scene. Another effective conventions is using a dark figure or a figure where you cannot see the face, it is not a celebrity but an unknown character. In some posters a silhouette is used this gives us an eerie and spooky feeling. In a lot of horror films the idea of children and nightmares are brought up a lot, and in this poster there is  girl in her pyjamas who is either touching or is involved with the blood on the wall, this may also make me think that she may be possessed or that there is a possession involved in the film. Another aspect of the poster that portrays the horror genre of the film is the font that the name of the film is in, this is because it immediately gives of a creepy impression, the actual name of the film immediately reminds us off the supernatural and the dead. The dark colour of the font against the brightness of the wall makes the title stand out. The image that we see also clearly relates to the spooky tagline. The face in blood also relates to the tagline, this is because it creates a horrific fearful atmosphere, the demonic eyes also help to reinforce this. 

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