Friday 6 November 2015

Horror Poster Analysis 2- The Human Centipede

The Human Centipede is the second horror poster I will be analysing, I feel that it is seriously scary and spooky


This poster is very disturbing and we immediately get the impression of torture and pain, we can see this because of the use of the frosted glass which conceals the people behind, this makes us think that they are trapped in, giving away an element to the film. The villain in this movie has clearly been successful in the creation of what he wants to do. The use of backlighting allows us to only see enough to understand what is going on, we can only see the expression on one of the characters face. The characters face also creates a sense of fear and terror this is a key element in horror movies as there is always the weak and vulnerable character. We cannot clearly see the location of where the characters are, this again reinforces the fact that they are trapped. The blood on the glass also establishes the danger, warning and terror of the film, this hints to the audience that there is going to be violent and disturbing scenes making the audience feel terrified and tense. The tagline 'They're flesh is his fantasy' gives us a hint as to the villain being male. Men are always portrayed as being powerful and intimidating and the fact that he is taking they're flash backs this up, as no body optionally gives away their flesh. The title of the film has meaning as it related to how the characters are positioned, the use of the hands shows us that the characters in the film are the centipede this makes the audience want to know what happens to them and if they escape. The font is bold and the letters are spaced slightly wonky this is unsettling for the audience as font is meant to be straight and line up, this will reinforce the disturbing and horrific characteristics of the film. What is interesting about this poster is the use of the second tagline '100% medically accurate', this hints to the audience that the villain could be a doctor or that there is medical aspects to the film.

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