Saturday 21 November 2015

Horror Poster Analysis 5- Paranormal Activity 5

In this film poster we see a child in her bedroom, bedrooms and houses are every persons safe place, where we feel safe and comfortable, the producers have used this room to make the audience feel unsafe and threatened. There is a dark figure at the end of the tunnel, we cannot see the identity of the figure, this makes us question whether it is a person or a spirit, this gives off a mysterious and strange feeling. The  blue colour in the background creates a chilling atmosphere, this feeling reminds me of death, this relates to the film because it is based on possession of people and a house. The tagline 'For the first time you will see the activity' makes us want to see the film, they are drawing the audience in, they have done this because people who have previously seen the other films would have been waiting to find out what has actually happened and why. The use of red titles is a common trait most horror poster use this is because it reminds us of blood and danger, which evidently is what most horror films is based around. 

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