Monday 15 February 2016

Certificate for my Film Research- BBFC

From my knowledge of films I would think that my film would be a 15 or 18 certificate. This is because of the psychological horror that will be shown in the film. but from looking at research and information done by the BBFC I will be able to see the guidelines of what actually makes a film a certain certificate.

The certificate tells the audience how appropriate the film is for certain age groups. These certificated go from:

  • The U symbol means Universal. These films are suitable for all audiences ages 4 and over. Know one will ever know what will upset children at this young of an age, but what is shown in the film is seen as acceptable for young children to see. 

  • PG stands for Parental Guidance, it is suitable for general viewing.
  • some scenes may not be suitable for very young children, it is up to the parents to decide whether the film is suitable for the children seeing it .
  • PG are not just for children many adults enjoy watching them too 

  • This certificate is more for the DVD/Blu-ray
  • It is there so that the customer can only be sold a film with this certificate if they are over the age of 12

  • 12A certificates are not suitable for children under the age of 12 
  • The cinema could lose its license if the accompaniment of an adult is not enforced

  • No one under the age of 15 is allowed to see the film and the cinema or rent/buy the video 
Some of the following scenes can be shown in a 15 movie:
  • strong violence 
  • frequent or strong language 
  • drug taking 
  • discriminatory language or behaviour 
  • brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence 
  • portrayals of sexual activity 
  • sexual nudity 

  • The films rated 18 are specifically for adults 
  • 18 are definitely not suitable for children, no themes are prohibited in an 18
  • adults are free to chose their own entertainment as long as it is not illegal or harmful.
This is what can be contained in 18 films:
  • very strong violence 
  • real sex (in some cases)
  • discriminatory language and behaviour 
  • strong horror 
  • strong blood and gore 
  • strong horror 
  • scenes of sexual violence 
  • strong portrayals of sexual activity 
  • frequent strong/very language 

Seeing as my film would categorise as being a 15, i am going to do some more research into what aspects there are into these certificates. 

15 films-
In a 15 film the violence may be realistic but not unjustified or focuses on blood injury. Strong gory images will only be allowed if explained by the content shown. There is a specific way in which sexual violence is portrayed. Any such content must be clearly justified. In horror the category will be psychological in nature. Acts of sadism which is common in the horror genre are not allowed. 
Sexual Nudity/Content:
Strong sex references may be acceptable at a 15, scenes of a sexual nature are also allowed but they must not be explicit or prolonged 

Strong language is allowed. Frequent or aggressive use of the words must be explained within the context of the film

Scenes or dialogue relating to drugs are acceptable in a suitable context, it is NOT allowed to be shown if there is an instruction or encouragement into the use of drugs. Drugs are also not allowed to be shown if they are seen in the film to be glamorous or trendy.

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