Friday 26 February 2016

Questionaire Post Media Products

For my magazine cover the questions that I asked were:
1) Is the cover easily recognisable as being from the horror genre and How?
2) What conventions of the cover contribute to the horror genre and is it realistic compared to existing magazine covers (e.g. Fangoria) Why?
3) What would make you by the magazine and Why?
4) Does the magazine support the teaser trailer and attract your attention? Why and How?
5) What should be changed to benefit the magazine cover? Why?

The questionnaire for my Poster:
1) Does the cover represent a spooky and eery feel? Why and How does it make you feel?
2) From the poster would you want to see the film? Why?
3) Does the poster relate to the other media products I have created? How?
4)Does the poster look realistic compared to real film posters?  Why?
5) Is the tagline easy to understand? Why?

The questionnaire for my teaser trailer:
1)Would the trailer make you want to see the film? Why
2) Is too much of the film given away? How?
3) Can you build a rough storyline from the trailer and understand what is going on? How?
4)Can you tell it is from the supernatural horror genre? Why?

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