Tuesday 23 February 2016

Costumes, Props and Location for my Filming

In this post I will be sharing what aspects and objects I have used and had to think about in order to create my film trailer.

I wanted the mise-en-scene of the characters costume to really come through in describing to the audience what their personalities were like, I did this by carefully choosing what each of my actors would be wearing.
The Dad:
The character of the father is strange and mysterious. I wanted him to come across as quiet and awkward, he allows the wife to do whatever she wants and he just remains in the back ground.
The outfit that i chose for him to wear is as follows:

  • Brown trousers, a shirt and a sweater vest- generally this sort of an outfit is not worn by the average man, a sweater vest is usually something that would be seen as geeky or uncool
  • The glasses that I had the actor wear was to create the image of the Father not being as cool or mainstream 
The Mother:
The character of the mother is that she is bossy and over powering towards the father, he spoils her and she believes she is a lot more superior, the idea is that she has no clue as to what the father has done, and as the trailer progresses she becomes more and more less superior to the father and actually becomes scared of him. 
  • In the first part of the trailer she wears Leather trousers, a smart blouse and high heels 
  • The high heels signify that she believes she is above everyone else, the clacking of the heels tell us that she wants to be heard 
The Older Daughter:
The oldest daughter is a teenager she doesn't care much about what is going on around her, she wants to be individual, she is unsociable and does not connect with other characters.
  • She wears a lot of make up and dark clothing
  • The dark clothing suggest she may sense suspicious and dark actions going on around her 
The Younger Daughter:
This is the daughter that at the end of the trailer appears to be possessed, her character is meant to come across as strange, quiet and socially awkward. 

  • The clothes she wears are dull and weird
The Possesed Character:
This is the same actor as the younger daughter she wears lots of make up and stuff to make her appearance look death like. The outfit is a white long gown with wet hair, this makes her appear scary and unsightly. 

Some of the props I used were as followed:
  • A box of head phones, this is used for the fathers birthday present 
  • An old retro phone
  • The fathers car 
  • Suitcases- this shows the audience that the family are leaving their house to go to the grandmas 
  • Multiple toys- represents the life the sister had before the father murdered her 
  • A ball- this is used to show the audience the presence of a supernatural being 
  • An old photo and an old chest
  1. The fathers house 
  2. The fathers drive 
  3. The Grandmothers house 
  4. The Grandmothers garden 

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