Saturday 20 February 2016

Horror Trailers- Dream House

  • This trailer is in some ways similar to sinister, the use of children's music and a house that is ultimately haunted is something both trailer share.
  • At the beginning we see a house, the camera slowly zooms in creating a tension build up, this something that happens also in Sinister 
  • In this trailer lots of shots are shown from the perspective that someone is watching them through the window, creating the feeling they are being watched or haunted 
  • We see there is in attic which in many cases in horror films is the main source of where the evil is either discovered or takes place. If it is not an attic it could be a loft or cupboard. It is often this way because people don't tend to spend time in the loft or attic, sub-conciously i believe everyone is scared of this places because we can't see them.
  • Slow creepy music with loud, aggressive sound effects contributes to the spooky and tense feeling 

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