Saturday 20 February 2016

Horror Trailer- Ouija


  • In this trailer the music is dark and eery, there are faint screams in the background noise, this gives a terrifying sense to the film 
  • In the first part of the trailer we are already faced with tragedy and death, this is telling the audience that as soon as they watch the film they will be terrified
  • In most horror trailers the horror doesn't come until much later on, it is a slow build up, this increases the tension, but in this trailer it happens straight away. There is not as much tension, therefore i believe this trailer is not as good as the other ones i have analysed. It is still scary but for different reasons 
  • The trailer uses old pictures of characters that are not actors in the film, this creates the feeling that there is history to the story, reinforcing the sense of realism 
  • The music gives the effect of a heart beat, this makes me think that this is how the characters are hearts are beating before they get murdered or possessed. 

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