Saturday 20 February 2016

Horror Trailers- Sinister

(Put in trailer)

  • This is the trailer for sinister, in my opinion it is really terrifying but at the same time i wanted to watch this film.
  • The producers have done this by asking questions to the audience like for example 'Have you seen him?', this pops up a few times through out the trailer 
  • The music plays a big part to the horror aspect of the film. The music starts of quieter but it is still pretty terrifying, it then gets louder through out the trailer, this is done to reinforce the theme of danger and death. 
  • Children's music is something that comes up time and time again in horror films. The use of children is a key tool when making a scary film. This is because children are seen to be totally innocent in the eyes of humans, there fore making them a perfect source for supernatural beings or evil spirits to take them over.
  • The use of slow shots like the one that moves slowly closer to the house, builds tension and anticipation, the audience is waiting for something to happen, ultimately they know they are watching a horror trailer, knowing something is going to happen but not knowing gives the chilling and terrifying feel.
  • The family in the trailer seem so normal, for example when the sit at the table eating take away, this is a normal part of family life, that the majority of people can relate to, giving a sense of realism to the audience, that this could happen to anybody. 
  • The dim lighting through out the trailer created tension like there is someone or something watching them
  • There are lots of close-ups that flash quickly on the screen, this adds to the tension 
  • Actual footage of families is used this makes it seem even more realistic. 

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