Wednesday 10 February 2016

Possible Fonts for My Film Poster

My film is going to be called 'Grandma's House', it is about a grandmothers spirit that is haunting her family when they stay in her house to attend the funeral. Because it is about the supernatural, I need to give a chilling and spooky feel for the audience when they see the title. These are 10 possible fonts that I will be looking to use:


The reason why I chose to use this is because it has harsh and crooked lettering, it is unsettling for the audience. The strange shaping also contributes to the awkward and weird feel to it.


This font is different to others, the scratch marks on the letters makes the film look violent 


It is bold and standouts, if i make this font a silver glow to it then the supernatural effect will really be shown 


This font reminds me more of vampires or bats, because it has a very old feel to it, but at the same time it suits the name of the film 


This is another spooky font, the dripping of the ink gives it an eery feel, this is one of my favourite fonts that I have come across 


I have chosen to look at this font because the lettering is wonky and seems out of place, this is similar to the feeling on the first font i looked at because it makes the audience feel unsettled.

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