Sunday 14 February 2016

Tag Lines of Existing Horror Film Posters

Tagline's are important in the marketing of films, when it comes to making my tagline I must make sure that I have produced a successful tagline. The audience are enticed by the tagline, it is a dramatic phrase that will either sum up or give a hint into the film. 

These are some tag lines from the horror genre of films-










 From looking at these tag lines I can see that they all share similar concepts. Each tagline is speaking directly to the person reading it, for example using words like 'You' and 'Your', this creates the feeling that the evil character in the film is out to get us as well. Most of the tag lines are also phrased like a warning or an instruction telling us what not to do, this is clever because many of the warnings that are used are out of our control, and we cannot help doing these things. The film tag lines become a method of expressing the theme or appeal of the film.

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