Saturday 20 February 2016

Horror Trailer- Orphan

(put trailer in)

  • This trailer is not a super natural trailer, the reason why i have chosen to use this film is because i wanted to analyse a trailer that is more realistic. The reason i want to do this is because somehow the producers have still got across the feeling of horror even though the threat it human 
  • In every trailer there are lots of close-ups that flash and only stay on the screen for a short amount of time. This gives the effect that something is going to happen. Seeing as this is something that has come up in all of the trailers i have seen i should consider using it in my trailer 
  • The voice over of the characters speaking gives it that extra chilling feel to it 
  • The tag lines speak directly to the audience, whether is is a question or phrase, it seems although its personal to the individual watching the trailer 
  • The trailer shows us a basic storyline to the film, this is so the audience can gauge what is going on but not too much that the story gets given away. In the trailer we get shown the harm that the Orphan is doing to the children but we never see whether they get murdered or if they stay alive, this adds to the suspense and makes us want to see the film 

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