Sunday 21 February 2016

Possible Tagline for my Poster

From looking at multiple film trailers I have found that generally there are around three tag lines like appear on my poster. I am going to come up with a range of different tag lines that could potentially appear on my poster. By coming up with different tag lines i will then be able to decide which ones are the best.

Tagline line 1:
'Secrets never remain hidden'

  • This is good as it relates to the narrative of the father being the murderer 
  • At the same time it is not so scary and slightly more mysterious 
  • It does not contribute to the horror feeling 
  • It is dramatic and suspenseful which most tag lines tend to give the feeling of

Tagline 2:
'Not all houses are safe'

  • The idea that the Grandma's house is haunted in my trailer ties in well with this tagline
  • It gets some of the idea of the film out, but at the same time this is the sort of tagline i would believe to be shown on a slasher film cover rather than a horror film cover 
  • It is not so scary compared to some of the other tag lines that i have come up with 

Tagline 3:
'Two faced? Or Two Faces?'

  • I feel although this tagline is extremely scary, however it does not relate very well to my film
  • The audience may get the wrong idea about the film from this tagline
  • At the same time it does suggest that the film is about possession, which does incorporate some of what my trailer is about 

Tagline 4:
'Dad did it'

  • The tagline is short and bold 
  • The plot twist of the film however is given away in this tagline, that is definitely a reason not to use this

Tagline 5:
'It was him, but they don't know'

  • I quite like this tagline
  • it does not give too much of the film away but it still gives an insight into what the film is about, this is what a tagline should do 
  • It is is sinister and mysterious which is what my film embodies 

Tagline 6:
'He kills'

  • Very short and gets the message across
  • If i use this tagline then it means that i will be able to use more than one because this one is very short 

Tagline 7:
'They don't know they've lived with a murderer'

  • For the audience this tagline is very scary, it could be any one of the family members which makes the trailer ultimately scarier 
  • However this again does not imply possession or haunting, i want the tagline to almost warn the audience that there is an element of this 

Tagline 8:
'You can't escape the past '
'you can't run from the future'

  • This is another one of my favourites 
  • I really like the element of suspicion and tension
  • It is not too short and eye-catching by the tagline is there to be read by the audience 

Tagline 9:
'He never forgets'

  • this tagline could relate to anyone, by using the word 'he' the audience may assume that it is the father, but this is just speculations creating tension
  • It also leaves the audience in suspense as to who the person is wanting to forget

Tagline 10:
'You can't change the past'
'You can't control the future'

  • This tagline hints that something has happened to one of the characters in the past
  • It also suggests haunting which tells us that the genre of horror that the film is would be supernatural horror, allowing the audience to grasp what the film may be about 

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