Wednesday 24 February 2016

Shot List

Before I filmed for my trailer, I wanted to get a rough guideline for what I needed to film on the
day. This would enable me to be organised, therefore I would know exactly what I needed to do on the day. Also it would help my actors to understand what they had to do in order for them to do the best performance that they could.

Shot list
  1. ES Dads house
  2. medium shot of daughter handing over present
  3. close-up of hands unwrapping it (easy to open), hold gift for 5 seconds
  4. close-up of face unwrapping it ‘i wonder what it could be’, ‘ooooo earphones’ (banta)
  5. two-shot of wife putting over shoulder, looking at eachother ‘sweetheart their headphones’’,
  6. Embarassed and weak ‘oh thank you’ stern and bossy ‘just don’t break these ones’ close-up of kiss
  7. Mum walks out of camera
  8. close-up of phone ringing, family activity blurred  in the background (camera place in line with phone)
  9. close-up of dad putting phone to ear ‘Dr Cullen speaking ’ blurred background with daughters and mother doing stuff silentley (clear face)
  10. ‘hello Dr Cullen, this is black creek hospital? i’m afraid your mother passed away last night’ ‘oh no’ (without moving head)
  11. medium close-up of sister speaking out window ‘how come i’ve never seen Grandma’s house’
  12. tracking shot from behind of car, dad putting cases in boot ‘she lives a long way away, and we need somewhere to stay for the funeral’
  13. family arriving at house (the corner of kemprow, oakridge lane and blackbirds lane, near black bird farm)
  14. Put camera facing towards road and fields
  15. Shot of two people getting out same side of car
  16. Family looking up at the house, with reactions (creeped out)
  17. Low angle shot of house
  18. Approaching house  down then up (dramatic)
  19. ‘ your husband is a murderer’
  20. Over the shoulder/elbow of dad looking at album
  21. Dad lifting photo album out of box
  22. Low angle shot of dad looking at photos
  23. Zoom into the picture of him with sister
  24. Shot of him looking under the bed
  25. Dad taking toy from under the bed
  26. close-up of child’s toy with blood on it
  27. Film wife looking out of  window (ends in silouette, want to see side of face) Auntie in mysterious horror clothes looking up at wife
  28. Low angle of auntie over the shoulder ish, with mum in window behind
  29. Zoom in from tripod of medium shot of mum looking worried alternate the angles
  30. Auntie looking up at window (weird make-up)
  31. Auntie ‘there’s something i have to tell you about the man you married’ (no echo room) and in close up deep dark voice
  32. ‘Who are you’ ‘she was just a child’ ‘who the hell is my husband’ ‘why didnt you tell me?’ crying and scared, holding a lamp (in the lounge)
  33. Dads sleeves rolled up, doesnt appear so perfect, nervous and strange, panting and sweating
  34. close-up of daughter turning shower on
  35. shot from corner of daughter getting dressing gown of the hanger
  36. close-up of hands tying the knot of dressing gown
  37. lights go off then on
  38. when turn back on long-shot of girl on white gown with hair over face

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